Master the rule of financial wellness! Saving money may not feel like your strong suit. It’s easy to get off track and save less than you intended when you’re not consistently saving a portion of every paycheck. But that doesn’t mean you can’t get ahead of the savings game. Automating your savings could be just what you need to get your finances in tip-top shape to ensure you reach your savings goals.
The Deposit account allow members to make a monthly contribution towards the Sacco.
NB: Failure to pay the risk fund by the end of the year will lead to an automatic deduction from your deposit.
Lack of solutions is not an obstacle to offering significant value to our membership. our advanced technology gives you the convenience of ease and accessibility that saves you time, effort and energy.
We are not afraid to take the lead in accountability. We take up the role model for accountability and nurture a caring mindset across our whole organization. Being answerable to our membership for all our actions and results is what makes the real difference for us.
Good governance is critical to our organization. We are consistently communicating both what our company stands for and what we are doing because .We believe that being open helps us build trust which is the foundation of great teamwork.
Customer Satisfaction is not good enough. Our success comes from cultivating and nurturing lasting relationships with our membership who are the core of our business.
Building a good reputation is most valuable to us. We are a brand that impacts positively on the society. We are always seeking to serve by adding value to the lives we touch.
Our success is directly linked to operation excellence. We are wired to roll up our sleeves and serve. We seek to understand our membership needs and priorities and proactively share ideas and news.
What got us here won’t get us there. We refuse to stop at good enough. This is the mindset that fuels our performance. We challenge convention to uncover new and better ways to serve our membership.
Integrity is the cornerstone of our foundation and at the core of our leadership. We endeavor to successfully inspire our team action, values, and principles.